Product Safety Data Sheet - Wire Pull® Paint Grenade
Pyrotechnic device for outdoor use only by persons of 18 years of age or over
General Information
- Simulation device
- Category P1
- Diameter: 75 ±5mm
- Length: 124 ±5mm
- Net Explosive Content (NEC/NEQ): 0.5g
- Total Weight (GW): 165 ±30g
- Ignition Type = Wire Pull®
- Fuse Delay = 5 ±1s
- Effect = Bang and paint scatter
- Noise Level = 115-120dB(A)Imax @10m
- Manufactured date is shown on packaging
- Don’t be a dick with our products
Safety Information and Instructions

- Safety distance = 10m
- For outdoor use only, do not use indoors.
- Do Not supply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Always use Gloves and Eye protection.
- For use only at supervised events.
- Ensure everybody in the active area is wearing the correct protective equipment.
- Do Not carry in pockets, use EG approved pouch.
- Do Not use in confined spaces or places.
- Do Not hold while device produces bang effect.
- Do Not throw directly at people or animals.
- Do Not throw or place onto flammable materials.
Instructions for Use

- Hold Paint Grenade in throwing hand. Twist and remove the cap (put cap in pocket).
- Pull metal ring upwards.
- Keep fingers away from ignition point, sparks / hot gas emitted.
- Immediately throw the device, paying attention to the safety distance and warnings.
- After 4-6 seconds the device goes bang.
- Keep device dry, moisture will soften the shell and affect the effect.
- If device fails to go off, leave at least 5 minutes before picking it up.
- The manufacturer will not accept any liability where their pyrotechnics are misused, modified or tampered with.
- It is illegal to send these devices through the postal system or to take on aeroplanes. Always use an approved courier.
- Misuse of these products may lead to prosecution.
Hazard information
- Pyrotechnic article
- Exposure to the articles themselves does not pose any health hazards
- KEEP out of reach of children, read label before use, heating may cause fire
- Contains only water and the following chemicals used in the food industry. Carboxymethyl cellulose – E466 (CAS#9000-11-7) Corn Starch, Sodium Benzoate – E211 (CAS# 532-32-1), Capsanthin – E160c (CAS# 465-42-9)
- Not considered hazardous

Stability and Reactivity
-Reactivity – Reaction occurs on ignition. Stable unless ignited
-Stability – Stable under normal storage, transport and handling conditions as recommended below.
Hazardous Reactions – Fire or heat will ignite the devices individually or packaged.
Conditions to avoid – Avoid contact with ignition sources, including high temperature radiant heat, sparks, electrostatic shock, impact, friction. Avoid getting wet.
Chemical incompatibility – Organic solvents, strong acids and alkalis.
Material incompatibility – Do not use or store near flammable liquids or solids.
Hazardous Decomposition Products
On ignition or in a fire the device will function to produce some or all of the following decomposition products. The exact nature of the decomposition is unknown and is dependant on the conditions at the time.
Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, potassium hydroxide, potassium chloride, aluminium oxide, magnesium oxides.
- UN Number: 0432
- Proper Shipping Name: ARTICLES PYROTECHNIC, for technical purposes
- Classification: 1.4S
- UK Classification Reference(s): SVC4313148P
- Packaging: 25 devices per inner box. 50 devices / outer carton (max)

From the designed effect produced once ignited and the device functioning normally.
Burns: Burns may occur if product is not used correctly. Always follow the instructions on the product label. Place burnt area under clean cold running water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the affected area clean. For serious burns, seek medical attention.
Eye irritation: If the paint gets in your eye(s), don’t rub your eye(s) as this may cause further irritation. Don’t put anything except clean water eyewash solution or contact lens saline rinse in the eye. Remove contact lenses. If they don’t come out during the flush, then take them out. Do not use eyedrops unless emergency personnel tell you to do so. Rinse your eye(s): Put your head back and to the side. Run a gentle stream of cool tap water or eyewash solution over your affected eye(s) for at least 15 minutes. If you have access to an eye-rinse station, use it. If problems persist or worsen, then immediately seek medical advice / attention.
- Hazard Type for Storage = HT4
- You may require a storage license/permit to store these products. Consult your local authority.
- Keep packaging closed when not in use.
- Store in a secure cool dry place in the original transport packaging.
- Do not store these products above 50 °C and above 70% humidity.
- Once cool, used products can be disposed of in normal waste bins.
- If a product fails to ignite you can either use the original packaging to return to the distributor or place of purchase. Ensure products are secure within the package and package is properly sealed, marked and labelled. Send using an approved courier. Or, submerge device in a bucket of water allowing water to enter the product. Leave soaking for a minimum of 48 hours in a secure area. Dispose of the waste according to local or national regulations.
Manufactured by 3rd Light Ltd, Reading, RG7 4HY, UK.
Tel: +44(0)1189 714470; e-mail: